Who we are


Mother and Family Support Network

The miracle of birth should be heartwarming and wondrous However, approximately 25% of new mothers worldwide are affected by prenatal or postpartum Illness  which, if not treated, can destroy lives and families.
It was for this reason that NITZA was founded in 1997 and has since provided thousands of women and their families with a wide range of prenatal and postpartum therapies and interventions in order to bring about recovery.
The NITZA Center for Maternal Health in Israel offers a unique support network to women throughout Israel helping them rebuild their lives and their health, giving them renewed hope for themselves and the future of their families. Our staff of professionals provides expert therapy, and our 100 highly trained, multi-lingual volunteers provide dedicated support with a listening ear, guidance, and a shoulder to lean on.
At NITZA every woman receives a unique treatment plan, tailored for her specific situation, including managing the symptoms, challenges and the pain of prenatal and postpartum reactions. Our goal is to promote the health of the mother, thereby strengthening the stability of the family unit, through our range of support programs, treatment and rehabilitation.
NITZA is the only organization in Israel whose sole agenda focuses on women and their families suffering from depression and related reactions See Link _ before and/or after childbirth. Over the years NITZA has become a name associated with professionalism, care and trust, making us the preferred choice for prenatal and postpartum women seeking help. Each week we receive tens of new cases from all over Israel The calls come in from the woman herself, caring family members, friends and healthcare providers.
If you or a woman you know is experiencing symptoms of prenatal or postpartum depression, anxiety reactions, mania or psychosis, it’s important to know that  help is available. Call NITZA today o at 02-5004523 or contact us. We’re here to help!

NITZA is the place to turn for maternal health.